Hall Committee

The Community Centre has an enthusiastic committee of members who deal with all areas of the hall, such as booking and enquiries.

The informal meetings are open to all and the committee welcome any new members to join them with new ideas for hall events and activities.

Dates of each new meeting will be posted here as they become available:

  • Community Hall AGM: Tuesday 16th February at 7.30 pm.

This is an open meeting, so anyone wishing to attend should just come along to the hall on the night and join the Chairman and committee members for the meeting. Everyone welcome.


The most recent Hall Reports from previous meetings will also be published here:

Tuesday 16th February 2016:

The AGM Meeting of the Community Hall Committee took place on Tuesday 16th February 2016 and appointed the officers for the coming year, they are as follows: Chairman – Mr Chris Davies 690342 Vice – Chairman – Mrs Lynne Williams 690269 Secretary – Mrs Annette Thomas 622892 Treasurer – Mr John Tyler 690460 Booking Officer – Mr Chris Davies 690342 Anyone wishing to make inquiries about booking the hall or wanting to raise concerns regarding the hall, or, maybe just wanting to make a suggestion for a fund-raising event for the hall, please contact one of the above-named officers.

Tuesday 12th January 2016:

A meeting of the Hall Committee took place on Tuesday 12th January at 7.30 pm to discuss hall finances and maintenance, future events and any other issues which have been brought to the committee’s attention. The meeting was Chaired by Mr John Tyler, Chairman, and there were 7 members present. Two dates were confirmed at the meeting, the Hall Quiz will take place on Friday 5th February at 7 pm and the Hall AGM, which is open to anyone wishing to attend, will be on Tuesday 16th February at 7.30 pm. The meeting was declared closed at 8.50 pm

Tuesday 20th May 2014:

The hall committee met on Tuesday 20th May to discuss any issues regarding the maintenance and running of the hall, and, also to plan the itinerary for the coming year. The hall meetings are always lively and good fun, and this one was no different, and after much discussion it was decided we hold the following events:

  • Hall Clean Up – Tuesday 8th July at 6 pm. If anyone has an hour to spare and wants to come along and help, please do, as many hands make light work.
  • Duck Race, sports and BBQ – to take place 6 pm on Friday 29th August at Lower Cwmtydu.
  • Annual Harvest Supper – will be held on Friday 10th October.

There will be more information about these events nearer the time, so please put the dates on your calendars and in your diaries so there is no chance of double booking!

The committee are always looking for fresh ideas for running events which bring the community together, so if anyone has an idea which they think would be suitable, please contact any member of the hall committee, it would be much appreciated.

The date for the next hall meeting is Tuesday 12th August, and is open to anyone wanting to attend.

Tuesday 18th February 2014:

On Tuesday 18th February at 7.30 pm the committee met for their AGM and meeting. At the AGM the outgoing Chairman, Mr Bill Prossor, was in the Chair with 11 members present. He gave his report for the past year, stating the hall had enjoyed a busy and successful year and he thanked his treasurer, secretary and committee members for their support and commitment to running the hall, which had made his job a lot easier. He then wished the incoming Chair every success for the coming year. Mrs Heather Price then took the Chair and the committee went on to hold their meeting, discussing finances, ongoing maintenance to the building, planning events for the year ahead and any other business. As usual, this was done in a friendly and informal way, and the meeting was declared closed at 9 pm exactly.

Tuesday 21st January 2014:

On Tuesday 21st January the Hall Management Committee held it’s first meeting of 2014. Mr Bill Prossor was in the Chair and there were 11 members present. Items covered at the meeting included the on-going repairs to the building, our finances, past and future events, and any other business. We discussed bookings for the hall and upcoming events.  Business was concluded at 8.35 pm.

Secretary -  Mrs Annette Thomas 01874 622892

Chairman -  Mr Christopher Davies 01874 690342

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